Astero Lamprinou

Performer, choreographer and film maker based in Brussels

METROPOLITAN STONES – Film – Brussels – 30 min – In Progress

METROPOLITAN STONES focuses on the aesthetic and psychological effects of the architectural landscape of the center north area of Brussels. Buildings constantly appear and disappear, close to remaining jewels of Art Nouveau and Art Deco. The area keeps expanding higher as an administrative center, while lower, the precarity persists.

Inside of that landscape, in a dusty building in construction, three dancers interact. Their bodies speak of their relation to the city, drawing their inspiration both from architectural styles as from notions of fragmentation, construction and demolition. But the conflicts and violence of the urban landscape raises tensions and imbalances in their relationships.

Choreography : Astero Lamprinou and dancers

Dansers : Daan Jaartsleveld, Estelle Delcambre, Louis Nam Le Van Ho

Original Music : Orfeas Mitsotakis